Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My First Masterpiece

혜빈이가 학교 끝나고  집에 와서 오자마자 가방을 열고는 꼬옥 꼬옥 여러번 접은 종이를 펼치고는   "엄마! 엄마! 혜빈이가 그렸어요." 하고 자랑스럽게 보여준 그림입니다. 
처음으로  혜빈이가 가족 그림을 그려서 가지고 왔습니다. .
세살 짜리가 그린 그림치고는 너무 잘 그려서 처음보곤  깜짝 놀랐습니다. 윗쪽 왼쪽 오른쪽은 아빠 엄마고, 아랫쪽 왼쪽 오른쪽은 혜빈이와 동생 다빈이를 그렸답니다. 
왼쪽 하단부분에 그린 두개의 타원은 물어보니 돌이랍니다. 왜 그렸냐고 물어보니 그림 그리다가 종이가 날라 갈까봐 날라가지 말라고 돌 2개를 그렸답니다. 
도대체 어떻게 그런생각을 했는지..

Today Olivia came home from school, slowly opened up her back pack and pulled out a folded up piece of paper and proudly said "Mom, mom! Look what I drew!"  This is the first time she has drawn a family picture.  Maybe it's just because I don't really know how well 3 year olds draw pictures, but I think she did a pretty good job. Olivia then proceeded to explain that Dad was on the top left, Mom on the top right, Olivia on the bottom left, and Sophie on the bottom right.  I asked what the two circles  in the lower left hand corner were and she said they are rocks so her picture doesn't get blown away by the wind :)  Who knows where she came up with that.... 

Part of me didn't really believe that she drew that all by herself, but when I told her to do it again at home, sure 'nough she drew the same picture.  Nice job Olivia!

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Amy @ OurScoop said...

How cute is that? What a little smartie! She is growing up so fast! Love her!

sue chappell said...

OH, it doesn't surpirse me at all - she is a genuis!

PS - I"M so proud of all your blogging!!!!

sue chappell said...

HA HA HA - I love the part about the rocks! Nana

Jill said...

That is hysterical!! I love it!