Saturday, December 26, 2009

친구들... Friends...

2009년 크리스마스 ...
우연히 한국에서 알게된 친구들 모두 유타에서 모여서 다 같이 저녁식사 함께...
6년 지나서 만나니 벌써 다들 애들이 둘씩이나...
혜빈이 아파서 집에서 휴식...
2009 Christmas. We were able to get together with our friends that we met while living in Korea. We haven't seen each other for over 3 years so it was great to get together and see how everyone's family has grown. Kinda sucked that Grease Rhee pussed out on us, but I understand his fear. Maybe next year? Next time we get together we'll have more time to hang.