Tuesday, June 24, 2008

식기세척기에서 그릇을 빼는데 혜빈이 갑자기 문위를 올라서더니 아빠를 도와줍니다.
혜빈이 많이 컸죠?

She loves helping daddy unload the dishwasher. She takes things out one at a time and gives them to daddy...so cute!

Monday, June 23, 2008

주세요 ^O^


Olivia has learned how to say “Please” in Korean now….kinda. In Korea, the polite way to ask for something is by holding out two hands and saying “Ju-sayo”. All kids are taught this from a young age. Olivia kinda has the hang of it – she folds her arms and says some three syllable word that is supposed to be “Ju-sayo”. Now whenever she wants something, whether it be food or something else, she folds her arms and says “Ju-sayo!”

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My First Steps....

혜빈이가 첨으로 혼자서 걸었습니다.
오늘 아버지의 날인데 아빠한테 아주 큰 선물을 한것같습니다.
아빠가 혜빈이 보다 더 좋아합니다.

Olivia finally took her first steps on Father's Day!! What a perfect present!!
As you can hear, daddy was pretty excited about it. He is saying "Go to Mommy" in Korean.
Now she is trying to walk all over the house! It's so much fun!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Where did the ball go?!?

공이 아래로 굴러 들어갔습니다. 쇼파 밑으로...텔레비젼 아래로...손가락질만 열심히 하면서 어쩔지 몰라합니다..

Olivia's favorite toys are anything that looks like a ball. Her toy balls keep rolling under the furniture so she is always looking under it for them...Her little bum sticking up in the air is so cute..

Olivia is learing to walk!

드뎌 드뎌 걷기시작했습니다. 그래도 손을 잡아야만 걷습니다. 몇번 쿵~하는 바람에 혼자 걷는게 무섭나봅니다. 혼자 걷다가도 엄마 아빠손이 안느껴지면 그자리에 바로 주져앉습니다. 이번 기회에 나의 back pain도 없어졌으면 합니다.

Olivia is finally starting to walk...but only if you hold her hand. She could do it by herself, but she is afraid she will fall down. Sometimes we will let go of her hand and she will keep walking for a couple of steps, but then she realizes we are not there anymore so she hurries and sits down. Hopefully my back pain will start to go away...she is a heavy little girl!

Monday, June 2, 2008


우리집 뒷마당에 살구나무가 있는줄 오늘에서야 알았습니다.
혜빈이 아빠랑 살구를 보면서 넘 좋아하네요..

We have an apricot tree in our backyard and Olivia loves it. Of course, she calls the apricots "ball."

넘 맛있게 보여 따 봤는데 아직 완전히 익지는 않았네요.
그래도 넘 맛있네요. 나 어렸을때도 집 마당에 자두 나무있었는데 그때도 익지도 않은 자두가 어찌나 맛있던지.. 그때 생각이 나네요..

새들이 먹다가 떨어져버린 살구를 들고 너무나 좋아하는 혜빈이.

혜빈이만 좋아하는지 알았는데...
I thought Olivia was the only one who liked the apricots, but.....

종종 오는 다람쥐(?)도 좋아하네요..
I guess the squirrel likes them too! (BTW, this squirrel has no fear. Like the squirrel that didn't get out of the way for George in Seinfeld, this guy apparently doesn't know that "we have a deal."