Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Before and After

아이들 방이 이렇게 바꿨습니다. 
특별히 변한건 없고 그냥 페인트 색깔만 바꿨을 뿐인데 방이 훨씬 밝아졌습니다.
전등때문인지 핑크색이 진하게 보이네요.실제로 보면 훨씬 더 이쁜데... 
We re-decorated the girls room... All we really did was paint the walls in 12 in. stripes in two tones of pink and it made the room much brighter.  You can't really tell by the pictures, but the room turned out really cute.  It looks a lot better in person....
자기방이라면서 열심히 칠하네요..덕분에 엄마는 일이 두배..
Olivia loved helping us paint her room... but it doubled our work load haha..
줄 간격 계산하고 벽에 표시하는데 하루밤 보내고...
테이프 붙히면서 하루밤 보내고...
페이트 하면서 하루밤 보내고...
마무리(터치 업)하면서 하루밤 보내고...

아이들 자는 시간에 하느라고 생각보다 오래걸렸습니다.

Drawing the lines with a level took a day.  Then taping took another day. Then painting took another day.  And then the final touch ups took another day!  
두가지 핑크색을 고르느라 고민도 많이 했는데 
다 칠해놓은거 보니 서로서로 어울리면서 고생한 보람이 있네요.

It took us a while to get the colors right, but I think we ended up with two pinks that really look good together.

여기는 다빈이 침대이고요..
요즘은 부쩍 부쩍 키가 커서 몇달후면 언니 침대처럼 큰 침대로 바꿔야 할거 같네요. 

This is Sophie's bed.  She's growing so fast that pretty soon we'll have to get her a big girl bed:)
사진 참 잘 찍었죠? 
우리 작은 시누가 찍어줬는데요.
못하는게 없는 수퍼 여인입니다.

Didn't this picture turn out cute??  My sister in law Amy took it.  She is really amazing.

작은 시누가 골라준 카페트 인데 첫날밤 자기전에 깔아놓으니 
보자마자 혜빈이 다빈이 누워서 이렇게나 좋아하네요... 
생각해보니 작은 시누가 이 방을 완성하는데 많은 도움을 줬네요..
작은 시누 고마워요.

Amy also picked out this rug and told us we had to get it. As soon as daddy laid it out, Olivia and Sophie laid right down on it.  They really like the rug because it is so soft.  Now that I think about it, Amy gave us a lot of good inspiration for this room.  Thank you!!


Amy @ OurScoop said...

How fun is this room!?! So adorable! I LOVE Olivia's hair long like that! She is so cute!!!

Can we just call this room "Amy's Inspiration"? You've got the stripes, the photo I took of Olivia, and that darling rug I suggested for their room. HaHa. That rug pulls it all together nicely

No really, you and Insun did a great job! Not trying to take all the credit here. ;)

Nate Insun Olivia & Sophie said...

All you had to do was wait for the translation. Insun gave you mad props in Korean but you couldn't even wait for the translation....

Jill said...

I LOVE IT! And seriously, that rug is adorable!! Where did you get it? Amy, did a great job picking it out!!!

sue chappell said...

Love the rug!!!!!

Mommyof4 said...

the room is darling! how fun to have 2 girls.