Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

이번 추수감사절은 
6시간을 차를 타고 라스베가스를 지나서 
St. George에 사시는 시할머님과 이모님집에서 보냈습니다.

This year for Thanksgiving we made the 6 hour trek to St. George.

처음으로 보는 칠면조가 참 신기 한가 봅니다. 
주위만 맴맴맴 돌다가 시아버지 덕택에 칼질 한번해 봅니다.

Olivia was so intrigued by the big turkey. It was her first time ever seeing one. She kept hanging out in the the kitchen so Grandpa gave her a chance to carve the turkey.She was so serious.  

아무것도 한거 없이 이렇게 잘 차려진 식탁에서 
그냥 받아먹기가 참 죄송스러웠지만 참 맛있게 먹었습니다.

We didn't do ANYTHING to help so I felt kind of bad just sitting there and eating.  The table was decorated so beautifully by Aunt Jeanine and Great Grandma made the most delicious meal.
다먹고 난후 혜빈이 다빈이는 오빠와 언니들과 신나게 놀았습니다. 
The girls had such a blast playing with their cousins.

다빈이 시어머니와 친해지기까지 조금 시간이 걸렸지만 지금은 마냥 좋아합니다.
It took a little bit, but Sophie finally warmed up to Nana.
이모와 아들..
Aunt Jeanine and Porter...

우리 시아버님은 식곤증에 주무시는 중...
Grandpa sleeping again... what else is new!
Fish Pond- 추수감사절때마다 시댁식구들이 하는 게임인데 아이들이 참 좋아하네요.
낙시를해서 물고기 대신 장남감이나 캔디를 건지는 게임인데 우리 혜빈이 참 큰것도 건졌네요. 

Every Thanksgiving the kids get to participate in a "Fish Pond".  Olivia thought this was the greatest thing. She got a purse and some candy too.  She had so much fun.

추수감사절의 마지막 하이라이트..Black Friday
(대부분 상점에서 일년중에 가장 큰 큰 큰 세일을 하는 날)
다들 상점 신문들을 보고 계십니다. 
올해 Black Friday는 시댁 식구들 덕택에
그날밤 11:00 PM 부터 (3~5:00 살짝 자고)
그담날 아침6시까지 아이들 걱정없이 원없이 쇼핑을 할수있었습니다.

The last highlight of Thanksgiving was of course the Black Friday ads.  I don't know what we were thinking but we actually went shopping from 11:00 pm until 6 am the next morning.

Black Friday sale이 일년에 딱 한번뿐이라 참 다행입니다.

It's a good thing Black Friday only comes once a year because I was so tired after that.

이번 추수감사절은 참 뜻깊고 재미있게 보냈습니다.
할머님, 시아버님, 시어머님 그리고 이모님 다들 감사드립니다.

This was such a meaningful Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you so much to Great Grandma, Jeanine, Carl, Sue and our cousins Amelia, Megan and Porter. We had such a good time sharing Thanksgiving with you!


sue chappell said...

Insun! I love this post - except the pictures of me!!!!! You are a great photographer!!!! I think Olivia had so much fun! Thanks for coming up - we love being with you all!!! Thanks for blogging!!!

Carl Chappell said...

Wow, the pictures make things look really festive. Thanks to Grandma, Jeanine, Sue, and the girls for the wonderful meal. Really good. Insun takes such good pictures of everything. How come hadabagi is always sleeping?

It was a great week with the California family. :) :(

Jill said...

Looks like so much fun! Did you score during Black Friday??? I did and it's awesome!!!