Sunday, December 12, 2010

Play Room Done!!!

드뎌 아이들 놀이방이 완성 되었습니다. 
이 방 저 방 돌아다니면서 어질더니 놀이방이 생긴후론 이방에서만 어질면서 놉니다.
Ta-da!!  We finally finished the girls' playroom.  The girls used to make a mess of the whole house, but now they just play in and mess up their playroom.

엄청 오래된 텔레비젼은 필요한분께 기부하고 쓸데없이 크나큰 일립티클 운동기구는 차고로 나갔습니다. 
We gave the old TV away to our gardener, and moved the elliptical out to the garage.

3년전에 시어머니로 부터 받은 액자4개 창고에 묵혀 두다가 
하얀 종이에 글자 오려내서 색지에 붙혀 놨더니 그럴싸하네요. 
I refinished 4 frames that my mother-in-law gave me several years ago by putting white letters on colored paper.
혜빈이 다빈이가 특별히 좋아하는 책들로만 선별해서 꽂아놨습니다.
I put only Olivia's and Sophie's favorite books on these bookshelves.
이렇게 앞 표지가 보이게 책을 꽂아놓으면 아이들이 책읽기에 훨씬 흥미를 갖는데요.
They say that kids tend to read a lot more books when you put them facing outwards like this.

앞표지가 보이게 책을 놓을수있는 책장을 찾다가 
우연히 지붕에 설치하는 홈통(빗물이나 나뭇잎 떠내려가게 지붕아래부분에 설치하는 반통)으로 책꽂이를 만드는법을 보고 만들어 봤습니다.
만들어져서 파는 책장 보다 훨씬 저렴하고 책을 여러권 많이 넣을수있어서 참 맘에 듭니다.

I was looking for a front facing bookshelf online and I found a site where someone had made these bookshelves out of rain gutters.  I thought it was a great idea so of course I copied it. It ended up being a lot cheaper than a bookshelf and I think it looks a lot better too. 
Here is the site:

외할머니가 사준 부엌가구 
혜빈이 날마다 뭘 만드는지 딸그닥 딸끄닥...
요새는 다빈이까지 언니따라 딸그닥 딸그닥...
Olivia loves pretending to cook at her play kitchen that her Grandma bought her.  And now, Sophie is starting to copy everything her older sister does :)
혜빈이 푸우와  Tea Party 중. 
유리로 만들어진 차 잔은 다 깨버리고 이제 남는건 플라스틱 차잔밖에 없네요.
Olivia's having a tea party with Pooh... She broke all of her glass tea set that Nana bought her so she is using her plastic princess cups.  We bought the table on Craig's list for $20.

벽 한개가 훵~하게 비여서 무엇을 해야하나 함참을 고민하다가 
가장 저렴하게 큰 효과를 볼수있는 핸드페인트로 결정하고
인터넷 뒤져 이쁜 나무 그림을 하나 찾아내서 그리고 창문위에 새 하나도 그렸습니다.
I didn't know what I wanted to do with the big, empty wall, but after thinking about it for a while I thought hand painting something on the wall would be a good idea.  I looked all over the internet for something that might be cute, and I found a decal on of this tree. So I just freehanded a picture of it on the wall.  Then I decided to paint a bird above the window too.  I think it turned out alright :)


Amy @ OurScoop said...

Wow!! You guys have been busy. I love it!! Insun you are so talented! The tree and bird are so beautiful. Your girls will have so much fun in there. They look adorable as usual.

tae said...

Wow..Amazing!!! Looks Great!!
Well done...ㅋㅋ

sue chappell said...

Insun, you are amazing! I just love it and what wonderful parents you are to make such a cute place for your kids! The girls are precious and lucky!!!

sue chappell said...

Nate - you are amazing too- I know how much work a project like this takes - way to go!

Jill said...

These pictures are so cute and I love the new play room!!! Nice going, both of you!! Busy little bees!!

Cathy said...

So cute! I want to come and play!

♥ Jennifer said...

This playroom looks great. I was wondering if you used nails or screws to hang the rain gutter shelves on the wall?