Sunday, May 25, 2008

What's for dinner?

특별히 오늘밤은 신랑 다이어트를 위해 월남쌈을 준비했다.
쌀국수는 가끔 나가서 사먹을수있지만 월남쌈 파는데는 아직까지 찾질 못해서 오늘 큰맘 먹고 직접 만들었는데 생각보단 그다지 어렵지않았다.
소스론 땅콩소스와 피쉬소스로 준비했는데 난 개인적으로 피쉬소스가 더 맘에 들고 신랑은 당연히 땅콩소스..
첨 4장 까지는 맛있게 먹었는데 그뒤론 야채에 질려서... 우리 불쌍한 혜빈이는 딸랑 쌀국수로만 배채우고, 신랑은 뭐가 좀 부족하다면서 다먹고 나서 라면 찾더라. 띠리리~

Insun made me a special dinner tonight saying it is good for my diet...I think she is trying to tell me something. It is a Viet Namese dish where you wrap vegetables and chicken in a thin rice paper. It was really good! She is such a good cook and I am so spoiled!
Poor Olivia couldn't have any because of a peanut sauce in them, so we gave her rice noodles.


Amy @ OurScoop said...

That looks good! Are you sure you weren't just at a restaurant? That Insun is amazing!

sue chappell said...

WOW! INSUN - What a beautiful presentation - I'd love that dinner - you are a good cook! Poor Olivia - just gets noodles and vegetables! She may rebel! SUE

Kate said...

It is so fun to read your blog..thanks for the translation nate!! We hope to get to see you on your next visit. The page girls may be in LA in July...we may have to visit!!

JaNeen said...

That looks so good, I need to get that recipe. I love new ideas.

Wendy said...

나두 언니 블러그에 한글이 있어서 너무 고마워~ 나두 주말엔 베트남 요리에 도전해봐야겠궁! 맛나겠땅~