Monday, May 19, 2008

I love Cherries! But they're just so sour!!

나의 새로운 사진기로 찍은 첫번째 작품사진 ㅋㅋㅋ
요샌 체리에 빠져있습니다.
밥먹을땐 꼭 체리를 찾습니다.
역시나 체리도 "ball ~ ball~"이랍니다.
한입먹고나선 어찌나 쎠 하던지..
보고만 있어도 입안에 침이 고이는거 같습니다.

Lately, Olivia loves cherries...but they're just so sour!! She seems to think that everything that is round is a "ball," so of course she calls cherries "ball"...just like watermelons, apples, balloons, the moon, etc.


Amy @ OurScoop said...

Love her faces!

sue chappell said...

I love cherries too - she's just like her nana - be prepared for interesting diapers!!! NANA

Mommyof4 said...

Zach is the same way. Everything that is round is a ball. We were at the grocery store yesterday and he started saying ball and I realized he was talking about the watermelons. they are so fun at this age. He loves seeing pics of Olivia