Monday, June 23, 2008

주세요 ^O^


Olivia has learned how to say “Please” in Korean now….kinda. In Korea, the polite way to ask for something is by holding out two hands and saying “Ju-sayo”. All kids are taught this from a young age. Olivia kinda has the hang of it – she folds her arms and says some three syllable word that is supposed to be “Ju-sayo”. Now whenever she wants something, whether it be food or something else, she folds her arms and says “Ju-sayo!”


Amy @ OurScoop said...

LOL!!! That is sooooo cute! I could watch that ALL day! She's getting so big and growing up! She'll be talking full sentences before you know it!!

sue chappell said...

Ok, is that the cutest thing ever????? My granddaughter can talk Korean!!!! WOW - SHe is getting so big - please teach her to say NANA - can we get on the web tonight with her?? MOM

Grease said...

That is so cute! I love it!

Wendy said...

와~~~ 혜빈이 마니 컸다!
'주세요!' 감동이네 감동~
나중에 만나면 한국어로 대화할수 있는거야? 비프랑 지금 같이 보는데...
아고아고 너~무 이쁘다!
팔짱끼었다 먹었다하는 모습 예술이구료!

Mommyof4 said...

Once again Zach can not enough of Olivia. He heard her voice from the other room and came running in just giggling. Oh we wish you lived closer (California is great though)

Oh Taeseok said...

잠꼬대 얘기 듣고 쓰러지는지 알았다..ㅋㅋ
너무 많이 컸는걸....