Thursday, June 5, 2008

Olivia is learing to walk!

드뎌 드뎌 걷기시작했습니다. 그래도 손을 잡아야만 걷습니다. 몇번 쿵~하는 바람에 혼자 걷는게 무섭나봅니다. 혼자 걷다가도 엄마 아빠손이 안느껴지면 그자리에 바로 주져앉습니다. 이번 기회에 나의 back pain도 없어졌으면 합니다.

Olivia is finally starting to walk...but only if you hold her hand. She could do it by herself, but she is afraid she will fall down. Sometimes we will let go of her hand and she will keep walking for a couple of steps, but then she realizes we are not there anymore so she hurries and sits down. Hopefully my back pain will start to go away...she is a heavy little girl!

1 comment:

sue chappell said...

This is a precious picture - something you could frame! She'll always think her Dad is her hero!
