Tuesday, June 24, 2008

식기세척기에서 그릇을 빼는데 혜빈이 갑자기 문위를 올라서더니 아빠를 도와줍니다.
혜빈이 많이 컸죠?

She loves helping daddy unload the dishwasher. She takes things out one at a time and gives them to daddy...so cute!


Amy @ OurScoop said...

Ha Ha! My, what a big helper you have! It reminds me of when my kids did that. She's beautiful!

sue chappell said...

HA! HA! I remember when my kids did that - Olivia looks just like Nate except with brown eyes and dark hair - I can't get over it!!
Love her - NANA

sue chappell said...

One more thing, I love it that she always has a bow in her hair! Quite the little lady! NANA

Wendy said...

노랑 머리핀이며 옷이 정말 잘 어울려~
착한 혜빈 아빠도 도와주고
지금처럼 이쁘게 쑥쑥!

Wendy said...

노랑 머리핀이며 옷이 정말 잘 어울려~
착한 혜빈 아빠도 도와주고
지금처럼 이쁘게 쑥쑥!

Shenise said...

She can come over to our house and hang out with Lane on the washing machine. He loves to climb up on there too.
