Wednesday, February 16, 2011


벽은 벽대로, 조리대는 조리대 대로, 그릇장은 그릇장대로 서로 서로 어울리지 못하고 각각 따로 놀았던 우리 부억을 기억하시나요?
이렇게 바꿨습니다...

너무 힘든 요구에도 불구하고 아무말 없이 묵묵히 따라주었던...
주중인데도 불구하고 일을 마치고 집에와서 5일 동안을 날마다 새벽까지 차고에서 페이트를 칠해주었던...
이렇게 멋진 부억을 만들어준 우리 신랑...
너무 너무 감사해요..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Family Vacation- 7 Night Mexican Riviera Disney Cruise

이번 가족여행을 위해 특별하게 장만한 혜빈이 여행가방입니다.
무거울텐데 자기것 가방이라면서 아무도 손도 못대게 하고는 끙끙대면서 끌고갔니다.
Olivia was so proud of her new Tinker Bell suitcase.  She wouldn't let anyone touch it and of course insisted on doing everything "all by myself!"

배안에서 보는 바다가 참 신기한가 봅니다.
The girls loved looking out the window.  No matter how much I tried to explain it, I'm not sure if they ever figured out we were on a boat.

Mickey Mouse pool
배안의 3개의 풀장중에 한곳인 
아주 커다란 슬라이드가 있는 어린이들만 들어갈수있는 풀장입니다.
꼭꼭 숨어라 머리카락 보일라~혜빈이 다빈이 어디있을까요?
There were 3 pools on the boat.  One for adults and two for children.  This was Olivia's favorite pool.  The water was only a couple of feet deep and was shaped like Mickey Mouse.  The two ears were hot tubs.  And of course the big slide that was being help up by Mickey's hand.  The slide was actually pretty fast.  Olivia went down 3 or 4 times but then said it was too scary haha. Can you find Nate and the girls in the picture???
Oceaneer's Club 
우리 혜빈이가 7일동안 한번도 빠지지 않고 놀았던 놀이방입니다.
영화도 보고, 선생님과 게임도 하고, 공주옷 입고 놀이도 하고,마술도 보고, 그림도 그리고, 놀이기구도 타고...
혜빈이와 다빈이가 같이 놀지못했서 그게 좀 아쉬웠는데...
대신에 다빈이는 어린 아이들만 갈수있는 Flounder's nursery 놀이방에서 놀았습니다.
배안에 놀곳이 어찌나 많은지 혜빈이 다빈이 신났습니다..
Not a day went by without Olivia playing in the "Oceaneer's Club".  She absolutely loved it there.  They showed all the Disney movies, played games, visited with Disney characters, dressed up in all the princess dresses, went down the slide, did crafts, watched magic shows, ate lunch and dinner - basically did whatever they wanted!  Whenever I would go to check on Olivia she would say "Go Daddy. Leave Daddy. I'm busy."  She wanted nothing to do with me haha. She had so much fun.  
Because Sophie isn't potty trained she had to go to Flounder's Nursery, so it was too bad that her and Olivia couldn't play together.  I think she had fun in Flounder's Nursery, even if she did catch a cough on the second day we were on the ship.

4편의 뮤지컬..4 Musicals
영화에서만 볼수있었던 버즈와 우디도 보고 
CD로만 들었던 디즈니 노래를 직접들어도 보고...
책에서만 봐왔던 공주님들과 왕자님들도 보고...
제가봐도 참 재미있는 감동이있는 뮤지컬이었습니다.

Disney put on the most amazing musicals.  We got to see Buzz and Woody in a Toy Story musical. We got to see all of the famous Disney songs performed by the actual characters themselves.  Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Mulan, Alladin, all of your favorite Disney songs.  Even Mickey and Minnie were in on the action. The musicals were so well done that Insun and I actually probably enjoyed them more than the kids!  I guess they have won numerous awards for best show on the water.  


축구장 과 농구장  Sports Court
아빠랑 배 갑판위에서 축구하고 놀기
There was a sports court on the top deck.  This is just before I sprained my ankle trying to "cross-up" one of the 10 year-olds you can see in the back ground.  Stepped on his little size 4 foot and my ankle just buckled.  That's what I get for trying to show off my sick game, I guess.
야외극장 Outside Theater
밤에 디즈니 영화보기
They played Disney Movies all day on this huge outdoor monitor.  It was a little brisk at night but we still had fun watching some Disney favorites.

Private Princess Tea Party... 
멕시코로 가는 배안에서 ...
백설공주 인어공주 신데렐라 와 피터펜이 여는 tea party에 혜빈이가 초대받았습니다.
찻잔에 차(사과 쥬스)도 따라서 마시고, 차 마시는 메너와 냅킨쓰는 법도 배우고 
공주들과 같이 왕관도 만들어 썼습니다. 마지막엔 사진도 함께 찰칵... 혜빈이에겐
영원히 잊지 못할 tea party 였습니다.

One of the highlights of the cruise was when Olivia and Sophie got to go to the Private Princess Tea Party with Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel and Peter Pan (Yes, I said Peter Pan, and he was by far the MOST enthusiastic out of all of them! I'm not saying anything, but..... you know....not that there's anything wrong with that...but Peter Pan was at the princess tea party and REALLY enjoying himself.)  It was set up really cute with apple juice in a silver tea pot, colorful napkins and table cloths, and of course cookies to munch on too.  They also passed out pop-out crowns to make and decorate.  Then the princesses taught the manners of a tea party which I had no idea even existed haha. Each princess came around to each table and had tea with all the little girls there.  After the tea party they posed for pictures too.  It was something Olivia will never forget!

Mexica - Puerto Vallarta
처음으로 오는 멕시코 흥분된 맘에 배에서 내리자 마자 배앞에서 가족사진 찰칵...
We were excited to be in Mexico for the first time, so we took a picture right when we got off the boat in Puerta Vallarta.

지나가는 웨이터에게 부탁해서 찍은사진...
너무 치우쳐 있다..
Our waiter took this picture for us.....just a little off center!! Classic.
혜빈이 크르주 기념선물로 산 미키마우스 시계를 차고 찍어본 광고사진...
Nate forgot a watch so he bought Olivia this Minnie Mouse watch and wore it for the whole trip.

멕시코 바다를 보면서 먹었던 점심은 참 맛있었습니다.

Real Mexican food in Mexico right on the beach was pretty good.  
Is Spanish rice in Mexico actually Mexican rice?  Whatever it was it was great.

배안의 있는 레스토랑 맛집중의 맛집..
배안에서 일하는 사람들은 다 아는 유명한 레스토랑입니다.
아쉽게도 예약이 꽉 차서 한번밖에 못갔지만...
정말 맛있게 먹었습니다..
아마 제가 가본 이탈리안 식당중에 최고가 아니었나 싶습니다.

There's an Italian restaurant on the ship called Palo.  All of the food on the ship is inclusive, but at Palo they charge $15 per person and you can only eat there by reservation.  Everyone we talked to, especially the crew, raved about the food there so we decided to do it.  Let me say, it was the BEST food I have ever had.

랍스터 라비올리
Lobster Ravioli

 해물 리조또
Seafood Risotto
Fillet Mignon
Rack of Lamb
 초코렛 슈플레
Chocolate Souffle (Best Desert I've Ever Had)
???  이름이 기억이 안남
Vanilla and Chocolate Creme

아이들 없이 진짜 오래간만에 분위기 좋은 레스토랑에서 신랑과 단둘이서 조용한 저녁식사를 했습니다. 
총 7 course 를 먹고나니 2시간 훌쩍 지나가 버렸습니다.
It was the first time in a while we were able to enjoy a nice dinner without having to worry about the kids. We had 7 courses over two hours but the time sure did fly. I can't wait to get back to Palo.

부부마사지... Couples Massage...

배 갑판위에서 즐기는 불꽃놀이...
Of course there were fireworks during the Pirate's of the Caribbean Party.

Cabo San Lucas
가족들과 즐거운 아침식사를 마치고..혜빈이 다빈이 모두 놀이방에 맡기고

After a nice breakfast overlooking the water, we left the kids in daycare and went out for an excursion in Cabo San Lucas.

큰 배에서 내려 작은배를 타고 카보섬으로 출발
We had to take "tenders" to the shore. You can tell this was taken later in the trip from my massive double chin!  I gained at least 10 lbs in one week.  Disgusting.

둠버기를 타고 시내구경도 하고 트로피컬 사막도 가고...
We rode dune buggies all over the city, out into the desert, then down to the beach.
수동이라 운전은 못해보고, 폼만 그냥 열심히 재봅니다.
It was a stick shift so Insun didn't want to drive it. But she sure does look good behind the wheel!

바다에 있는 부서진 산호를 줍고 와보니 신발 곱게 두고 참 바른 자세로 자고 있습니다.
Just getting some much needed shuteye on the beach.  The weather was actually good but I was too lazy to take off my windbreaker.  Family vacations are tough work.

물이 참 깨끗하죠?  잘 보면 작은 물고기도 볼 수 있습니다.
The water was so clear.  You could see fish, crab, sea urchins, and all sorts of stuff.

잠옷 패션쇼...Olivia showing off her PJs..

공주님들과 가족사진
Family Pictures with our Princesses

Every Night -
매일밤 하루도 빠짐 없이...
아무도 모르게...
 아이들을 재우고...
조용히 호텔방을 빠져나와..
아무도 없는 핫텁에서 몸을 담그고...
 갑판위에서 달구경을 하며 달밤 산책을 즐긴걸...

아무도 모릅니다.

다들 아이들 때문에 나오지도 못하고 방에만 있는데..
한번 자면 누가 업어가도 모르고 자는 우리 아이들 덕분에..
아무도 모르게 나와서 밤데이트를 즐기는 땡땡이 엄마 아빠... 
그래도 이번여행중에 가장 잊지못할 기억이었습니다.

마지막 날의 하이라이트
Character Breakfast
마지막 날 아침식사는 미키와 그의 친구들과 함께 했습니다.
On our last day, the characters came and visited us at breakfast.

거의 매일 저녁을 같이 먹으면서 친했졌던 한 커플입니다.
혜빈이는 너무 피곤했던지 신랑 옆자석에서 누워서 저녁도 못먹고 자고 있습니다.
We were really lucky to have a great family at our table for dinner every night.  It was too bad that we had the late seating for dinner (8:15) every night so the girls were always so tired, but we had a lot of fun getting to know the Chris, Melissa and Isabella Wallace.

공주들과 사진찍기. Pictures with the Princesses. 
다빈이는 엄마의 피나는 노력에도 불구하고 어찌나 목청껏 우는지 한장도 못찍었습니다. 
Sophie would cry when we tried to have her take pictures with anyone BUT Mickey and Minnie.  So we couldn't get her picture with the princesses.  Olivia was in HEAVEN though.
디즈니 친구들과 사진찍기.. Pictures with Mickey and his friends...

이사진이 저는 참 맘에 듭니다.  
둘이는 이렇게 한참을 서로 서로 안고 있었습니다.
We really like this picture.  We got lucky and caught up to Goofy when no one was around and he sat there like that holding and playing with Olivia for a good 5 minutes.  She had so much fun.